A few more fixes

It turns out the front standard of the Voce camera was also damaged during transit back to the UK

It seems to have been forced at some stage which has pressured it against its fixings and split the wood. I had originally glued and rescrewed but the front standard was still sitting several mm proud of the base theregore wasn’t solid so would wobble. Not good with a big brass lens on it.

I dismantled it again, and as it’s already glued, this time I shaved off a mm or so of the wood that was proud of the main section.

Then sanded back, treated and waxed. Screws tightened again and now it’s sitting flush and solid to the base. Much happier.

It came with an acrylic insert for 24x18cm plates which I think in a Eurpoean standard and not one I use. So I best make some more.

I have some of that 4mm ply board left over so I cut a 10×8, 5×7 and a quarter plate insert. At first I just used more ply for the corners but then swapped for reshaped stainless steel staples. Painted wood and varnished the staples.

Those 4mm ply wood sheets are proving very useful. No great skill needed, just a ruler and a sharp blade.

Just a couple of spare lens boards to sort now. Although the Ross Xpres 14 inch f4.5 fits very nicely friction mounted in the one it came with. It’s not going anywhere, very snug.

I did get €100 back from.the seller who is pursuing the damage issue with the courier. So all in all, despite the repairs, I now have a lovely hand crafted Voce camera for all of £375. An absolute bargain, if you know these cameras, and for how much hard work Mark puts into creating them.

I very happy indeed.