It’s sometimes strange the things you find on Ebay. A while back I was gifted some books by Dr Alex Boyd. Two of which were by Will Dunniway, a well known US tintypist, who sadly died in the Spring of 2021.
One book was his workshop manual and the other “Will Dunniway the Collodion Photographer, Spanning Three Centuries with the Wet Plate Collodion Process”

Today a 9th plate tintype arrived in the post. Will jappaned his own plates, this one signed on the reverse with his name and ’93.

I am sure Will made hundreds if not thousands of plates over the years, but someone might just recognise this lady? I looked through his publications and images online but to no avail.
As an added bonus, inside his book was a full plate tintype of a scene at Stirling Castle by Alex Boyd, I remember seeing it when it arrived and I left it there for a safe keeping. So that was a nice surprise to see again.

It’s a pleasure and an honour to have Wills tintype added to my collection. (And Alex’s plate as an added bonus of course).