All back together…

The 15×12 Billcliff camera is back together again,previously looked like this, the plate holder just needs two brass hinges of the correct size and I’m having two new round lens panels made, by my Uncle in Wales, out of a board of mahogany John gave me.

The woodwork has been cleaned but not highly polished, I didn’t want it to look like a “new” camera. Repairs have been made to the rotating back which is now working smoothly again. The brass runners also run smoothly so no more struggling. The bellows weren’t that bad after close inspection, just rubbed corners which I have gone over with electrician liquid tape, which seems to have done the job. Also made a new ground glass for it.


So when I get the final few pieces and Johns ordered plastics to knock me up a silver bath to take plates this size I should be good to go, ready for spring and some large landscapes.


And while on the subject of cameras, this one sold on Feepay recently. Whats interesting is that its almost identical to my Watson & Son studio camera but its labelled Marion & Co. Well, I found it interesting.
