Well that happened all of a sudden. Two evenings ago I had a call from Jo, the Building Manager at Leigh Spinners Mill, to say the 4th floor unit I had looked at a few months ago had become available.

So today I went for another look at the unit and maybe have an optimistic measure up, surprisingly I ended up with the keys in my hand. I’m so relieved to have a new space to move into. Plus its on the fourth floor with a really good mix of other creatives and artists.

The unit is much bigger than I remember. When Jo was sorting the paperwork and checking the rent, it turns out its nearer 1000 sq feet (to be confirmed). This will work out a little more expensive than what I was paying in Manchester but I get more than twice the space.
Check out the window light! I did have my name down for the 5tb floor revamp this Spring, that would have had a plumbed darkroom but would be a long room space with one set of windows.

This unit has double the light and I think I can compromise by having 25/50L water tanks and drainage in exchange for all that light. Its also right next to the gallery space.

Its L shaped so can be nicely sectioned off for separate work areas, I’m not sure if I should have doors in this opening, might be easier to heat in winter, or I could just use some curtains. I now just need to decide where to have power sockets installed and at what height along with overhead lighting and direction. I’m open to suggestions.

The rear space I’ll have a wall built across for a larger darkroom. I’ll have to map the floor plan and have a think of the layout. How exciting.
It does need clearing out as its been used for temporary storage, at the moment, by another unit whilst they strip their own floors.

When I first looked at this unit there were a few drums that looked to be catching water but that was historical ingress and the place was bone dry. The boarded up window has also been replaced, and all the windows have been externally refurbished and sealed. What dirt there is is on the inside, I best get a ladder.

I’ll make safe the ceiling, seal and paint. Scrub the original brickwork back. Paint the newly plastered walls and then strip and seal the wooden floorboards.

I can then start moving everything into this new space and get back to shooting some plates and printing. I’ll also be revising my workshop structure, now that there’s so much more room I can fit more people in.
Heres the fourth floor view looking West? over Leigh.

There are plenty of changes happening in Spinners Mill and Leigh itself. I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Okay I’ll say it again. Such a relief and I’m well chuffed to be part of Leigh Spinners Mill.
This is great news, Tony!! I’m really happy for you!! I’m looking forward to see what you do with this space.
Thanks Gregg, you’ll have to visit.
Well done. It looks a really nice space and what a luxury having that huge window! Hop you get settled in soon.
You’ll have to come to the grand opening Peter.