I’m becoming a bit of a fan of Frederick Hollyer and his connection to the Pre-Raphaelites.
I’ve very recently moved the majority of my collection from the studio to home, apart from works mounted on the studio wall. This will now let me concentrate on digitising and cataloguing them at home when I have the spare minute or two.
I was sorting sections out when I saw a familiar cabinet card design and image tone.
Another Frederick Hollyer photograph. This is the third in my collection, I wish he’d written the sitters names as it’d be a lot easier to identify them. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi Carol,
I did search through the online content with no such luck.
Are your examples online? I would love to see them.
Have you looked at the collection in the V and A? I have a small collection of 6 and had no idea who they were. Several years and lots of research later I now know the names of all of the sitters. I also used the National Portrait Gallery to help me. My collection has links to Constantine Ionides who was one of the benefactors of the Pre-raphaelites. I worked out they were all related. The family also had links to G F Watts and Wagner. It’s amazing how well connected they were. One of the boys in the picture went onto be a captain who survived the battle of Jutland, even though his shop went down. It is a fabulous journey you are on. I will see if I can find your image anywhere.