Horizon 202 panoramic

Check out these amazing panoramic shots of the studio opening back in September.

These were taken by fellow photographer and collector Peter Spencer, who had brought along his Horizon 202 panoramic film camera. What a great format. Thank you Peter.
Kentmere K400 pushed two stops, processed by AG Photographic, scanned on an Epson V700, spotted in photoshop and post processed in Lightroom, talk about hybrid processing.” PS.

The Horizon 202 is one of a series of swing lens panoramic cameras by the same Russian company (KMZ) that makes the Zenit and Zorki cameras.

The main characteristic of this plastic 35mm film camera is its rotating lens that takes in a 120° panorama as the shutter button is pressed. The lens is a fixed 28mm f2.8.

You get 22 frames that are 24x58mm format.

The photographer can choose from 8 speeds: 1/2 s, 1/4 s, 1/8 s, 1/15 s, 1/30 s, 1/60 s, 1/125 s, and 1/250 s. In later models, the speeds 1/15 s and 1/30 s were dropped in favour of a more evenly running mechanism.

Apparently, they also released a short run of medium format versions called the Horizon 205 PC. Good luck finding one of those.

Luckily, I managed to bag a 202 off ebay for a bargain price this evening, just out of curiosity.

Although I do now remember Mark Voce shooting some excellent work on the later Horizon S3 Pro. I wonder if he still has it?

Will put a roll through it at work when it arrives later this week.