Well that’s another camera salvaged. A Kodak process or studio camera, probably a Kodak Century 9A.
This one now has temporary vinyl bellows, and a half plate back with a new ground glass screen. It’s been given a good clean but not overly polished. It sits nicely on the Kodak stand but without the use of the extension.

The bellows were a bit of a pain to make. Especially as I measured the back set incorrectly so I had to cut them down and re-tape them as the rear aperture is much smaller than the central and front standard with not much room for error. Better notes next time I think.

A quick test half plate tintype.

If anyone has a spare whole plate back, please let me know. This one measure 11 1/2 inch square. Although, the half plate one I have attached is an Ansco brand and it fits nicely after moving some of the metalwork around om the camera.