The Worldwide Covid19 pandemic continues into 2021. Many events that we looked forward to this year have already been cancelled, even with the hope of relief from the vaccines being offered.
We will be going ahead with a 2021 edition of The Illustrated Collodion News, following last years sell out edition and people missing out, so we will be increasing the print run to 200 copies!
The Illustrated Collodion News started a few years ago as a bit of fun for a charity event a few wet plate photographer friends attend, raising the profile of wet plate collodion and promoting what we did at the event.
Last years ECW Special Edition was very well receieved with content from a large number of International collodion artists and photographers. It was also accompanied by a limited edition T-shirt with artwork kindly offered by Mark Osterman.
Last years prices £5 for the newspaper and £12 for the Tshirt plus postage. All issues and tshirts sold out and raised over £690 for the Mental Health charity MIND.

So, this is an open call for content please. If you’d like to submit an article on anything to do with collodion, technique, kit, experiments, exhibitions, research, history, tips and hacks, advertisements or even funny tales then please get in touch.
Whether you are a photographer, collector, model, curator, maker, archivist, conservator, buyer, seller, gallery owner, publisher or whoever, please feel free to contribute and get in touch.
Please email Moo Pa on M00pA@hotmail.co.uk or myself at tony@fourtoes.co.uk with all content or questions.
Original content is always well received and appreciated. And remember most of the buyers of this newspaper are fellow wet platers and enthusiasts so may well have already seen your work on social media and websites. So we do encourage you do think of something a little different, original or not seen already by your friends and followers. Okay I’ll say it. Exclusives at the time of print are always a bonus 🙂
All submissions by the end of June, ready for a print run in July.
Thanks to Dale Wilson for this suggestion as this gives us all some UV to play with over the summer to make new work. So plenty of time. Spread the word.
Remember ALL profits go to charity. Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm and support.
All those works submitted and accepted, the owner gives permission for the content to be used in the promotion of the sale of the newspaper and its use in social media only. Thank you.
Hi Moo. I could produce an article on my recent exhibition ‘Locked in Silver’ if you want it. Cheers Ray
Hi Ray, please do. Publication date will be July so plenty of time for new works as well.
Congrats on exhibition.
hello Tony
I have seen the last published Collodion news and O found it very ineressting. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a copy.
I would like to have a copy of the allready published collodion news. Would it be possible to scann them to a pdf-file. I’m willing to pay the same prize as the published ones.
Hi Chris, unfortunately that isn’t possible due to permissions from each contributor for print only.
Hence a larger print run for this edition.
Great Idea! Please let me know when the new issue is available for purchase
Hi it will be in August.