I made a quick and easy plywood lens board for the Sinar Wolf camera. It does the job. Just so I could check it over and make sure it worked as it should and the bellows are light tight.

Fitted the Darlot Jamin cone lens into a universal iris adapter.

A quick tintype.

Most of the spirit levels have long dried up but it all seems in very good condition and easy to work with.
The Bellows are good with about 14 inch extension.
You’re a maestro when it comes to working wonders with plywood. Nice work. The Sinar Wolf is a great entry to the Sinar system. The only thing I’ve found is the extension rails are hard to come by on their own. You pretty much need to buy the whole kit if you want one.
Cant see me wanting to extend further than what I have already… but you never know. 🙂