
As I’m cataloguing, and making available online, my digitised Victorian photography collection I thought it best to store them a little bit better than the assortment of drawers and cardboard boxes they are stored in at the moment.

These two 1950’s plywood filing cabinets were available on Feepay for a fair price including delivery form London.

They measure 19x19x15 inches so are more than adequate for the collection so far. I realise wood is not the best conservation material for storing photographic materials but these are so much better than what they are used to and on a limited budget.


I’d looked at index card cabinets before but most tend to be the standard 5×4 index card size. These will take a 13×18 cm glassine sleeve/envelope easily, so will take a cased half plate ambrtoype vertically or even two whole plates lengthways.


Should take me while to fill these…. I hope. Then theres all the larger framed and printed works. They can stay on the wall at the studio and at home.

Oh and yes I know, I need to clean/paint that floor!