Tripods galore…

I needed a period specific tripod for a recent TV job (to air in June). I didn’t think my usual Gandolfi would pass muster so had to hunt down something more suitable pretty quick. There were a few on Feepay and luckily one was just about perfect for that recent whole plate field camera.

One that arrived the day before the job was this lovely table platform Berlebach tripod. Not period specific but I couldn’t pass it up as I thought it would be ideal for the sliding box camera.



The table top section is slightly too narrow/short for the sliding box camera, a job for Mr Voce I believe…… and come to think of it the colour doesn’t match either 😉



Two of the other tripods fit onto half plate cameras I can pop onto Feepay. The other I’ll keep for that cheap whole plate camera….just in case.

Sorry I’ve not blogged much recently. I’ve not been up to much and not felt like doing much either. I’m just about shaking off a bad chest infection and hope to be back shooting plates in the next week or two.