Well, that’s the plate holder sorted. And I am so glad I keep all the bits and pieces from project cameras over the years.
I started with the outer frame and folding door. I must have given away my plywood sheets as I couldn’t find them. The 2mm and 3mm plywood 30cm packs off Amazon were perfect for the job. Requiring only a sharp blade, metal rule and wood glue.

I didn’t have mahogany stain/varnish, and when I’ve used that in the past, it turns orange anyways. So I had a pot of walnut stain already in the studio, and I like the contrast. Honest.
I had spare brasswork from other projects in the toolbox, so they came in handy.
The long brass strip along the top was already on the frame and allows for positioning for various size plates and stereo.

The locking mechanism was on a section of dark slide, which I think came with this camera originally. It’s been on the shelf that long, I can’t remember.

A couple of coats of polyurethane varnish on the inside edges to protect a little from the silver nitrate.

I still had some velvet ribbon from a photo jewellery project, which also doubles as a light trap.

It was all going so well, and then I got a little distracted and didn’t clip the length of the screws I was using as stop blocks for the dark slide. It’s no big deal, but it will annoy the hell out of me.

Now, just the bellows to stick on the camera. As it’s vinyl against wood, I’m tempted to use wood glue as a contact adhesive unless anyone has any other ideas?
Please let me know.