A glass half plate negative of Edward Burne-Jones holiday home in Rottingdean, Brighton. North End House (left) was originally Prospect House, purchased by Sir Edward Burne- Jones in 1880. He then acquired Aubrey Cottage next door and combined the two properties. To the right stands Gothic House, combined in the 1920s by the authoress Enid Bagnold and her husband Sir Roderick Jones, the couple moved to Rottingdean in 1923. All three are now back as individual properties. One recently came up for sale for £950,000.

Sir Roderick Jones waiting?

G Cheale, I can’t make out the rest of the text unfortunately but I’m sure someone in the area will know.

This glass negative came with its paper sleeve with some details. Dates in the region of 1892 -1908
Rottingdean, Edward Burn Jones House, Village Green, Rottingdean, Sussex. in pencil
Adams & Co’s Negative Bags.
26 Charing Cross Road, WC. London, Near trafalgar Square.
Telephone 5387 GERRARD
Steam Factories – Bunhill Row EC