These cameras could have ended up in a skip but were kindly gifted to me by Sue, Stephs cousin.
A 1980’s Zenit ME Olympic Games edition 35mm slr. A little battered from being stored for a few years in a garage, and sadly missing its film door locking mechanism. The M42 lens will come in handy though. Its a lump of a camera.

Secondly, an Agfa Optima. A 35mm semi auto camera, a little grubby around the edges but still fully working. Might be fun to put a roll through this one. The meter still functions accurately.

Just noticed the film counter wheel on the side of the camera body, which can be manually reset with your thumb. Not seen that before.

And then thirdly, this lovely early. 1950s Voigtlander Perkeo 1 6×6 medium format folder. It’ll clean up nicely, a little bit of the leatherette is lifting and needs gluing back down, but thats about it. Now loaded with film and ready to shoot.

Here it is next to the Franka Solida II, another compact 6×6 folding camera. Both use distance zone focussing. The Voigtlander is a little slower at f4.5 compared to the f2.8 Franka but thats not really an issue.
You can see the Voigtlander is considerably smaller than the already compact Franka. We’ll see how it fares.

Thanks for these Sue, appreciated.