Steph recently purchased this simple looking item. She was unclear if it was meant for her or for me. As we both have an interest in Frederick Hollyer but for slightly different reasons.
A catalogue of Platinotype Reproductions of pictures & photographed and sold by Mr. Hollyer N0. 9 Pembroke Sq., London, W. – 1911 – Price One Shilling

A selection of works by a large number of artist, including some well known Pre-Raphaelites.

Inside this edition is a letter from Hollyer addressed to Mr Chorlton and Knowles. Thats Henry Charles David Chorlton and Stuart Knowles. They were printers and publishers in Manchester. Chorlton was also a founding member of the Manchester Graphic Club, which is still active today.

We have both found that interest and therefore value of Hollyer material has greatly increased of late, especially at auction. Probably due to his inclusion in various Pre-Raphaelite exhibitions and publications.
A platinotype may have been £30-£50 not so long ago but now fetch easily ten times that. Looking at this catalogue of works its surprising there aren’t a higher number of prints in circulation.
The search continues.