Now I wouldn’t normally do it, but it must be this self isolating madness setting in. Today I clicked on an automated Facebook advert!
What caught my eye was a thumbnail of a self colourisation section of the App of This isn’t a recommendation for the website at all, more of an enquiring look at the colourisation qualities of their app, especially in comparison to the website that has become so popular.
I’ve downloaded the app to my phone and added a few b&w images to the Photos section of the app where the colourisation tool exists. Its as simple as that. Results are as varied as they are on the website but there are some significant improvements. Here’s some examples.
You can see the difference between the two in the Julia Margaret Cameron images above. Although this isn’t always the case, sometimes the website produces surprisingly better results. I also tried some of my favourite photographers images, sadly in Copyright, and they bring such a new dimension to the image seen in colour. Granted this is so subjective, but it does bring a new way of looking at old images.
Shame about the MyHeritage watermark along the bottom of the image. Maybe thats not included on the paid for version?
I’m impressed!