I’m way too easily distracted.
I rarely blog here about my proper normal work. I was looking through my photography books at home, a little research for an online discussion about Photo Jewellery, in a few weeks time with Angie at work.
I found this commemorative book from 1924 about the John Rylands Library. I forgot I bought this, for only a couple of pounds, a few years ago.

We often quote the Library Minutes in our presentations at work, especially an entry from around this time, and the mention of “this new Imaging Department being fraught with possibilities of Worldwide benefit”.
Page 35 of this book has further information about how “the governors in 1910 wisely decided to install a photographic studio with a complete and up to date equipment of apparatus, and their action has been abundantly justified by the results already obtained.”

That was 111 years ago. I sometimes forget and under-appreciate (is that a word) what a well supported Imaging team I work with, and that the work we do is as important now as it was then, especially of late with the Covid lockdowns and digital access being paramount.
Thanks to a successful funding bid, we are currently expecting a delivery of the latest multispectral imaging tools from Phase One called Rainbow. I’ve commented before in my Instagram feed that I’m often surprised that I can go from the origins of Victorian photography to the very latest advanced imaging techniques in the space of a normal working day.
This book is a great reminder, I wonder what else I have on my book shelves I’ve forgotten about?