Yesterday was a very wet day in Manchester. Not exactly conducive to making ambrotypes and tintypes with window light. Luckily it cleared up just enough to get away with making plates for a workshop with Richard Rollinson, a photographer from Nottingham. Check out his amazing work here.
He’s been keen to get into wet plate collodion for a while, and I had been recommended by a few people on social media. Thank you.

Lets just say he took to it like a duck to water once he got over his initial concerns of the collodion pour.

Heres some of his plates. Me, a 5×4 tintype.

Richard, a 5×4 ambrotype.

The 5×4 plates were shot with a Chroma camera and a newly made plate holder for testing with wet plate. More on that later, early results look promising with a few tweaks.
This is a whole plate tintype with the Dallmeyer 4b on the Kodak Studio camera.

All in all a great workshop with an enthusiastic and talented photographer. I look forward to seeing what he produces in the coming months from his studio.