I managed to spend a few hours at the studio today. My fourth visit in ten months, it was my day off, I had a Teams call for work for an hour or so first, but then managed to spend some time throwing stuff out and disposing of expired chemistry.
In one box I found some stereo glass negatives, I thought I’d taken most of my collection home, so it was great to find these again.

This ones a favourite, developed in some Ilford PQ that was on it last legs, no idea how many years ago I opened it but it still works.

I thought I might as well mount it on some card as I have a stereo viewer at home. (This print works quite well).

But here’s a wiggle gif just for the sake of it…

It was great to just do a tiny bit of darkroom work, however insignificant, as its been an age since I did anything at all. And thankfully it didn’t take long for the studio to heat up, considering it was colder in the building than outside!!

Check out Ryan Baumanns Instagram feed for stereographs rendered using code. Heres a link to Github for his work on “Animating Stereograms with Optical Flow Morphing”. I’ll figure out what all that means eventually. I’ll add it to the ever growing list of things to learn but I think its the best method for visualising stereographs.
And heres the Instagram link. Clever stuff compared to the jerkyness of a wiggling gif.
Wonderful stuff…!
Cheers Jack, just a little something.