I can’t believe its April already. Spring is well and truly here and its time to sort some fresh chemistry but First I thought I’d run some tests with some old chems on something I’ve been meaning to try for ages.
These are wet collodion plates processed with a strong Iron Sulphate developer, but I have introduced a magnet below the plate at the time of development and exposure.
Using a small but strong magnet placed centrally below a sensitised plate I poured on the Iron Suplhate developer and at the same time fired a small low power hand held flash, thus exposing the plate at a specific point of development. The results are amazing.

I felt a little foolish trying it but so pleased to be able to share it today.
This is such a cool experiment! Love the result! A Fourtoesotype?
Thanks Gregg. You should give it a try.
That is very fascinating Tony! Some clever exploratory experimentation, this has potential to be something really interesting – don’t feel silly this is the place where great things happen.
I think it’ll be a one off experiment.
YES! A Fourtoestype! They are really beautiful – they remind me of Alvin Langdon Coburn’s vortographs – but even more abstract.
I prefer Aprilfoolsograph. 🙂
Very cool, Tony!
Thanks Nick.