A mixed studio day today that included failed Bromoil, distracted cleaning, unexposed film and some new old paper to try.
I started off with those Kodak MGIV Glossy FB matrix that were left over. Initial tests were promising…

… but the larger prints failed miserably. No matter the soak time and temp, or the ink used, it just wouldn’t work right. It ended up in the bin.

I then developed a roll of Delta 400 120 film that had been sitting in a drawer for a couple of years. Turned out it hadn’t been exposed??
As anything photographic wasn’t going so well I thought I’d have a good clean of the studio. I soon got distracted when I found this folding “pocket sized” darkroom lantern made by Perken, Sons and Rayment. The red semi transparent walks are a thick fabric.

Also inside was a Birthday message to Sydney from his affectionate Father, dated June 1st 1900. So much for grumpy distanced Victorian Fatherhood.
I think the Birthday message is lovely.
“As a lamp shedding forth its glow of light, may your mind be ever illuminated by brilliant thoughts”

I also found this portrait of Emrys Roberts, taken at ECW18. Whole plate ambrotype. I’d forgotten I’d framed it as this must be a second plate as I usually give them to the sitter.

I was also lucky to get hold of some different paper from ebay, the same seller was selling a large amount of paper of all sizes. I wonder who got the 16×20 and 20×24 inch boxes?

I got three boxes (50) of 12×16 Kentmere Kenthene Satin VC. I’d never heard of it but for the price it was well worth a look.
Its much faster/more sensitive than the Foma/Ilford papers, probably by a good two stops. It proved a right pain to fine tune, contrast and blacks being very different depending on the negative used. Also for a VC paper there really wasn’t that much difference when using Ilford MG filters.
It has a bright white base and is more of a matt than satin when dry. I wonder if it’ll Bromoil. I have enough small test prints to bleach/tan and have a go.
Oh and my ebay pile of stuff to sell is getting ridiculous. I keep putting it off but I really do need a clear out.
Who wants to buy some stuff??