Have had this boxed Kodak No.3A Autographic sitting on the dining table at home for a few weeks. I was just about to put it on Ebay when Gwen, one of the other photographers I work with at John Rylands Library, convinced me to keep it. It didn’t take much to change my mind.
Its in excellent condition until you look at the bellows. Every corner is rubbed through. I’ve ordered a new batch of liquid electrical tape to patch the corners.
Anastigmat f7.7 lens with Diomatic No.1 Shutter? No, me neither, there seem to be as many shutter/lens combinations as there are Kodak Folding cameras….
Kodak Vest Pocket, Kodak No.3 Autographic with combination back and the Kodak No.3A Model C Autographic…
Its Postcard size images. 3¼×5½ inches. Originally it was for 122 film or dry plates with a combination back.
It even has rising/sliding front standard!
So I guess I will be keeping it after all. Fix the bellows and pop some tintypes through it….