Its a rainy Bank Holiday, Steph is working on her PhD so I’m spending some time digitising more of my collection. Its been a while since I last did any, and I seem to have forgotten my log in passwords for my online collection. Several hours later I managed to get in, only to find that with an update of the server comes an error when using the CSV Uploader plugin. This means I can’t upload my metadata thats linked to each image. I don’t go overboard with metadata as thats a can of worms I tend to keep for work proper.
So until I can get the correct PHP path for that, I’ll be posting to Instagram and here.
Alongside the usual framed and cased images I have a selection of loose oval cut plates and ephemera. Most will have been cut for placing into jewellery or small cases. Like this wonderful example of a highly detailed ambrotype set into a double sided swivel broach. The mount clasp has long disappeared and the reverse panel is empty. That doesn’t detract at all to this lovely portrait.
Maybe on the cheaper side at the time is this oval cut tintype, no longer in a frame or case, maybe taken at home with a makeshift studio. You can just make out the movement of the hand holding the background sheet. I also love that impromptu flower vase made from a corned beef tin. I think it says “??? Bannington Corned Beef”. Remember the text is mirrored because this is collodion positive.
Then there are these three images that sit nested together that probably lived in a photo locket due to their small dimensions. The centre image was uppermost and is a lovely little gem ambrotype. Behind this I found two hand tinted portraits. Probably other family members. On the reverse of the gent are signs that this might have been mounted on a CDV card. The cut/cropped text refers to Fred Viner of 110 Southwark Park Rd, S.E, London. A pleasant surprise to find them being used as a support? behind the ambrotype.
I have an oval Daguerreotype locket at the studio, that was kindly gifted to me. I must remember to bring home and digitise. Once I have the new PHP path for the csv uploads I can add the images I’ve digitised the last couple of days. For now the collection still remains a little limited. I must look into adapting the Omeka templates a little further as they are pretty basic. I suppose its more of a stock taking exercise for myself so I can find certain items, but it has proved useful when others have wanted high res copies or to borrow items for exhibitions and presentations.
My online collection so far.
Captivating images, as usual. Do you ever feel you would like to know who these ghostly images belong to? I’ve got lots of negatives from the 1950’s onwards and I’m captivated by them. Those which belonged to my paternal grandmother’s family, of which I have no recollection, are quite precious but just as mysterious.
I’ve been posting some pictures to the Talk Photography website, here is my latest thread.
Many, many more to come, including some postcard sized negatives from the Third Afghan War, just a guess at the moment.
Its a good question. I quite like the element of having to make up your own stories about these people. If you had all their details and life story then that little bit of magic is lost. Although partial info can lead to some pleasant research surprises.
Thanks for that link. I’ll take a look.
I hope all is well with you.