Yashica Mat EM 1964-


Well I can blame Katia Porter for this one. http://www.katiaporter.com/ I had a look at her Yashica Mat LM when I was last at the Whitworth Art Gallery and remembered how the old Mamiya C330f felt in the hand. Great little camera. So I had a look on Ebay to see what sort of prices they were going for. As always the Mamiyas were £100+ but you could pick up a Yashica for around £40.

“Released in 1964, the Yashica-Mat EM features an uncoupled light meter and an 80mm f/3.5 Yashinon shooting lens. The “EM” stands for Exposure Meter, referring to the uncoupled selenium cell exposure meter in front of the viewfinder. It’s an all-mechanical camera; even the light meter doesn’t need a battery. The Yashica-Mat EM is a solidly made, easy-to-use camera.” – www.camerapedia.org

This one arrived early this morning. Its a bit battered and needed a good clean. So after a quick going over it all seems to be working. Got me a roll of Ilford Hp5, Delta 400 pro, Kodak TX400, Fuji Neopan 400 and 100. Hp5 first.

So with all these “new” film cameras its about time I got out and took some decent shots.